Thursday, 12 April 2012

Like Father like Daughter - Heidi's first bulk

My daughter Heidi is going on 4 months old now, and she has been beating me handsomely in the mass gain stakes. At birth she weighed 6lb 4oz, and now weighs 11lb flat. That's almost a 5lb gain! She's pretty much totally against supplements though, so she's been running a scaled down version of GOMAD (gallon of milk a day) the entire time. I'm very proud of her gains, and a little bit jelly too, so here are some progress pics:

After birth:

2 months:

4 months:

As you can see she's been on dat dere dreamer bulk a little bit, but I don't have the heart to break it to her. My fiancee is being a stick in the mud and refuses to let me give her a caliper test, but our daughter knows that GOMAD means fat gains as well as muscle gains. I'm very proud of her motivation levels though because she hasn't deviated from her nutrition plan once.

On a serious note, Heidi is the best thing that has happened to either myself or my fiancee (level with meeting each other) and I'll keep posting pictures of her to show all of you how much of a special little girl she is.  


  1. The more I read this blog the more I love it, especially referring to your daughters albeit normal eating patterns as "bulking", but haters are gonna hate, I wonder how close she is to squatting 2xBW, probably smashing the protein shakes like nothing else.

    GOMAD 4 lyfe

    1. Brah she can't even crawl yet and can squat BW, myostatin baby anyone?

  2. Awwwww.

    Glad to see she is growing and healthy, are you going to get her involved in lifting and sports when she is older?

    1. My fiancee used to do a lot of dancing and theatre and she loved it, so I think I will let her be girly girl and then if I have a son he will carry the torch. I played heaps of sport when I was younger and so I'm not a big fan of early specialisation, so I think I will let him play a few different things and *fingers crossed* lifting eventually
