Sunday, 8 July 2012

Workout A - 07/07/12

Workout 25




85kgx4.9999 PR Got pinned


132.5kgx6 PR
142.5kgx1 PR

Really odd workout. Let's start at the beginning. Squats felt great, really worked on a few major points which have been faults of mine: 1. Slowed down the descent 2. Got comfortable under the bar in the rack and took it nice and steady. 3. Actively took bigger breaths and made sure each rep was perfect. 

This resulted in squats which looked and felt good, with my knees looking solid and not tracking out as much as my old Olympic form, sitting back a tad more, while still maintaining the high bar idea of sitting down between my legs. Overall good squatting, great to feel excited about squats again.

Bench was fucked. Got 2x85kgx5, was super tired but thought I could just use mongrel to get the last set. After the 4th rep of the 3rd set I should have racked it, but instead I thought 'ONLY ONE MO REP'. Almost made it, but ended up losing out and having to dump and roll after a lot of struggle. 

This made me kind of shaky for deads. I pulled six on my work set and let out a big roar, but only because I thought I had loaded the bar to 135kg. So I misloaded the bar to 2.5kg less than I had thought it was. So I got mad and loaded 140kg onto the bar and ripped it for an easy single, only to be informed by T later on in the day that there was in fact an extra 2.5kg plate on one side! Didn't know whether to feel like an absolute dingus or a king, either way I didn't notice the unbalanced bar. That ended the most insane workout I've ever had. Note to self: count the weights before doing the exercise. 


  1. I can't believe you didn't notice an extra 2.5kg on one hand, either on arms much stronger than the other or you're just some kind of god haha. Don't worry about getting pinned man, it's why we have spotters, just make sure you are careful next time and if its like the 4th rep and you're fucked, just rack it who cares.

    1. I think I was just in a crazed state, fairly insane to think I didn't notice.
