I realise this is coming two days late, but I was not at a computer on Monday, and then was lacking inspiration yesterday. So here we are.
Dan John and Pavel wrote a great book called 'Easy Strength', full of gems of simple wisdom that makes too much sense to not convert anyone that reads it to their side of the fence. The book is about becoming strong in the sense of proper 'functional' strength. Pavel argues that the beginning of the functional training movement was made by strong guys looking to plug trainees' weaknesses in their training. Unfortunately, as Pavel notes, this 'training' has been taken too far, and now people are essentially doing cardio with a barbell (and more often than not on a bosou ball). Pavel discusses how most of these devotees to the contemporary version of 'functional training' have turned it into a way to get up a sweat but not actually make any discernable strength gains, nor actually improve their athletic ability. Pavel pleads with these chumps to see the light, get off the wobble board, and actually put some weight on the bar and do some meaningful exercise:
'Stop your complicated weakness, and get strong in the traditional sense of the word.' - Pavel
So if you're squatting under your BW to work on 'form', or benching like a mad man with a caved chest to impress the lycra bound hotties in the corner, just stop. Do yourself a favour.
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